Copyright ©1995 Stephan Beckner - All Rights Reserved
Being alone and all by myself, Is like being the only book on a shelf. I can be in a large crowd, And something inside me will say out loud. “You’re all alone with no one to care, Why in the world are you there?” Then I know that it’s still very true, I’m all alone and feeling blue. All I’m looking for is a little bit of love, Something that God send from Heaven above. Maybe someday I’ll see the light, And maybe then, things will come into sight. But right now something deep inside, Just seems to have died. But if I ever find a girl to care about me, Then I’ll come alive for everyone to see.
At the end of the 6th line you see the word "there". The original typed poem from Stevie has "here", but since all his poetry is careful with its rhymes, I made this one small change as I believe it is just a typo in the original.