
Copyright ©2022 John Wm Beckner - All Rights Reserved

A simple word with a powerful meaning,
On his strength, I found myself leaning.
He counseled me to see the light,
And against the darkness to ever fight.

I refer, of course, to the word “friend”,
Which he was, from beginning to end.
The last words I recall, made me beam,
He simply said, “We make a great team.”

As I left our usual meeting place,
I saw a smile upon his face.
I didn’t know he would leave so soon,
In the dark of the night on the second of June.

I will ever miss my friend’s company,
But I’m happy to have known a spirit so free.
We are poorer that you are gone now,
But heaven is the richer, the angels will avow.


Lee was a friend of mine. He passed away June 2, 2022, at the age of 86.