
Copyright ©2024 John Wm Beckner - All Rights Reserved

In the quiet of the night, a silent plight,
A man's chest burdened with a sorrowful sight.
Gynecomastia, a name unfamiliar to most,
But to me, it’s a specter, an unwelcome ghost.

At sixty-four, with years etched on my face,
My body shifts in an unwelcome embrace.
Medication's side effects, a cruel twist of fate,
Testosterone dwindles as the years accumulate.

Breasts swell with pain, nipples burn and sting,
A discomfort that each passing moment does bring.
Cotton shirts once soft, now seem sandpaper rough,
Every touch, a reminder of this path so tough.

Doctors' words echo in my weary mind,
Endure the pain, leave the fears behind.
For the medication is my lifeline, my shield,
Against a greater enemy, a disease concealed.

My friend offers comfort, her advice sincere,
A female night shirt, soft, to keep the pain clear.
In its gentle fabric, perhaps I’ll find reprieve,
From the daily torment, from the need to grieve.

Yet, in this struggle, I find a hidden strength,
A resilience that stretches my soul’s length.
For though my body may betray and bend,
My spirit stands tall, unyielding to the end.


06/24/2024. I went to my doctor for a diabetes follow-up. I told him about my persistent nipple pain
and the appearance that my chest size was increasing over the prior few months. He checked and one
of the medications I take was found to cause the disorder gynecomastia. Basically, I am a 64-year
old man growing breasts. I asked if the symptoms would go away if we stopped the medication but he
said the medication and its high dose was needed for my health. So I am living with breast pain and
extreme nipple sensitivity. Just when you think you’ve seen it all!