Classic Radio Shows - Blue Beetle

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Origin    1940-05-15
07 08 Blasting Dynamite Gang    unknown
09 10 Invisible Ghost    unknown
11 12 Death Rides Horseback    unknown
13 14 Death Strikes From The East    unknown
15 16 Sea Serpent    unknown
19 20 Spirits Dont Talk    unknown
21 22 Thoroughbreds Always Come Through    unknown
23 24 Smashing The Arson Ring    unknown
25 26 Rounding Up The Payroll Bandits    unknown
27 28 Crime Incorportaed    unknown
29 30 Saved By Ahair    unknown
31 32 Finesse In Diamonds    unknown
33 34 Sabotage Incorporated    unknown
35 36 Smashing The Restaurant Racket    unknown
37 38 Two Rackets In One    unknown
39 40 Underworld Goes Underground    unknown
41 42 Dancing Ghost of Rocky Hill    unknown
43 44 Whale of Pirates Folly    unknown
45 46 Asylum of Doctor Drear    unknown
47 48 Jewel Mystery of Channel Island    unknown