Classic Radio Shows - Hermit's Cave

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
Ep00 Devil's Scrapbook    1937
Ep00 Hanson's Ghost    1937
Ep00 The Professor's Elixir    1937
Ep00 The Vampire's Desire    1937
Ep01 Notebook On Murder    1937
Ep02 Story Without End    1937
Ep03 Reflected Image of The Desert    1937
Ep04 Blackness Off Terror    1937
Ep05 House O Fmurder    1937
Ep06 House On Lost Land's Bluff    1937
Ep07 The Mystery of The Strange Thing    1937
Ep08 The Search for Life    1937
Ep09 Spirit Vengeance    1937
Ep11 It Happened Sunday    1937
Ep12 The Black Band    1937
Ep13 House Purple Shadow    1937
Ep14 The Author of Murder    1937
Ep15 The Nameless Day    1937
Ep16 Spirits of Vengeance    1937
Ep17 Buried Alive    1937
Ep18 House With a Past    1937