Classic Radio Shows - Frontier Fighters

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
Ep01 Rene Robert Cavelier De La Salle    1935
Ep02 Lewis and Clark    1935
Ep03 Zebulon Pike    1935
Ep04 John C Fremont    1935
Ep05 Kit Carson    1935
Ep06 Jedediah Strong Smith    1935
Ep07 Marcus Whitman    1935
Ep08 John Mcloughlin    1935
Ep09 The Donner Party    1935
Ep10 The Fall of The Alamo    1935
Ep11 Stephen W Kearny    1935
Ep12 Brigham Young    1935
Ep13 Joseph Meek    1935
Ep14 Captain George E Pickett    1935
Ep15 John Sutter and James W Marshall    1935
Ep16 Buffalo Bill Cody    1935
Ep17 Pikes Peak Rush Colorado Territory    1935
Ep18 Santa Fe Trail    1935
Ep19 James B Wild Bill Hickok    1935
Ep20 Reverend Thomas Starr King    1935
Ep21 Cochise and Captain Tom Jeffords    1935
Ep22 Grenville Dodge and Leland Stanford    1935
Ep23 Massacre at Taos New Mexico    1935
Ep24 Custers Last Stand at Little Big Horn    1935
Ep25 Stephen F Austin    1935
Ep26 Oregon 54 40    1935
Ep27 Nevada and The Comstock Lode    1935
Ep28 John Phillips Hero of Fort Phil Kearny    1935
Ep29 Oklahoma Land Rush    1935
Ep30 Oregon and The Pacific Republic    1935
Ep31 Annie D Tallent    1935
Ep32 Ira Burton Perrine    1935
Ep33 Wells Fargo    1935
Ep34 Governor Anson P K Safford    1935
Ep35 Arthur a Denny    1935
Ep36 Yellowstone Park    1935
Ep37 Eliza Ann Brooks    1935
Ep38 General N a Miles    1935
Ep39 Alaska    1935