Classic Radio Shows - Christmas on the Moon

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
Ep01 Santa Claus is Kidnapped By The Squeebublians    1938-11-29
Ep02 Jonathan Promises to Find Santa Claus    1938-11-30
Ep03 Jonathan Meets Gorgonzola The Horse    1938-12-01
Ep04 In The Valley of The Three Dwarfs    1938-12-02
Ep05 The Merry Go Round River    1938-12-03
Ep06 The Fairy Queen    1938-12-04
Ep07 Dragon With The Thirteen Tails    1938-12-05
Ep08 Whiskery Bill The Squirrel    1938-12-06
Ep09 Jonathan Has Fallen Under The Witchs Spell    1938-12-07
Ep10 Jonathan In The Witchs Dream Cave    1938-12-08
Ep11 Whiskery Bill Meets The Walrus    1938-12-09
Ep12 Getting Rubies at The Rainbow Bridge    1938-12-10
Ep13 Crossing The Frozen River    1938-12-11
Ep14 Jonathan Wakes Up From The Witchs Spell    1938-12-12
Ep15 Ogigraf The Lion    1938-12-13
Ep16 Saving The Elf King    1938-12-14
Ep17 The Wall of Doors    1938-12-15
Ep18 In The Kingdom of Alice    1938-12-16
Ep19 Queen Alices Ball    1938-12-17
Ep20 King Squeebubbly and Santa Claus    1938-12-18
Ep21 Jonathan Grows Large and Small    1938-12-19
Ep22 Kirmit The Hermit    1938-12-20
Ep23 The Dragon With The Thirteen Tails Again    1938-12-21
Ep24 Captured By The Squeebubblians    1938-12-22
Ep25 Rescuing Santa Claus    1938-12-23
Ep26 Going Home    1938-12-24