Classic Radio Shows - Space Patrol

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Number of days:
Show Air Date
004 The Hole In Empty Space    1952-10-25
007 Queen of Space    1952-11-15
010 The Space Shark    1952-12-06
011 Search for Asteroid X    1952-12-13
013 Last Voyage of Lonesome Lena    1952-12-27
014 Brain Bank and Space Binoculars    1953-01-03
015 The Sleep Walker    1953-01-10
017 The Scavengers of Space    1953-01-24
019    1953-02-07
020 The Mysterious Meteor    1953-02-14
021 The Moon Beetles    1953-02-21
023 The Seed Crystals of Zeldabran    1953-03-07
026 The Forgotten City    1953-03-28
030 The Prisoners of Pluto    1953-04-25
031 The Venus Space Factory    1953-05-02
032 The Cosmic Ray Detector    1953-05-09
035 The Immortal Brain    1953-05-30
038 The Indestructable Germ    1953-06-20
039 Treasure of Planetoid 6    1953-06-27
044 The Sleeping Demon of Saturn    1953-08-01
045 Trouble Aboard Supernova    1953-08-08
047 The Menace of Planet X    1953-08-22
048 The Trap On Planet X    1953-08-29
051 The Spies From Planet X    1953-09-19
052 Target Jupiter    1953-09-26
053 Return to Planet X    1953-10-03
054 On The Ice Cap of Planet X    1953-10-10
055 Rescue From Planet X    1953-10-17
058 Cyclone In Outer Space    1953-11-07
059 Under The Sea of Planet X    1953-11-14
060 Sea Monster of Planet X    1953-11-21
061 Revolt of The Space Rats    1953-11-28
062 Baccaratis Secret Weapon    1953-12-05
063 The Lost Condor    1953-12-12
064 Venus Tulania Mystery    1953-12-19
065 The Lost Dimension    1953-12-26
066 Wistful Wizard of Neptune's Moon    1954-01-02
067 The Claw of Venus    1954-01-09
069 Martian Masquerade    1954-01-23
070 Treasure of Mount Rocob    1954-01-30
071 The Invisible Enemy    1954-02-04
072 Revenge of Dr. Yeager    1954-02-13
086 Strange Voyager    1954-05-22
090 Cavern of Fear    1954-06-19
093 Trial By Terror    1954-07-10
098 The Counterfeit Atom    1954-08-14
099 Formula for Crime    1954-08-21
110 Watchman of Wormic    1954-11-06
115 The City of Hidden Doom    1954-12-11
117 The Lost Galaxy    1954-12-25
118 Ambush In Space    1955
119 Prison Planet    1955-01-08
122 The Planet of Discord    1955-01-29
123 The Conquest of Dargeeda    1955-02-05
124 The Hermit of Pluto    1955-02-12
125 The Time Pirates    1955-02-19
127 The Monster From The Past    1955-03-05