Classic Radio Shows - Manhunt

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
Crimson Corpse    1943
Gloomy Room    1943
Legal Loop Hole    1943
Magazine Murder    1943
Movie Murder    1943
Murder Maestro    1943
Stairway Slaying    1943
Surgery Slaying    1943
Crimson Corpse    1943
Gloomy Room    1943
Legal Loop Hole    1943
Magazine Murder    1943
Movie Murder    1943
Murder Maestro    1943
Stairway Slaying    1943
Surgery Slaying    1943
Clue of The Masked Murderer    1946
Contradictory Confessions    1946
Legal Loophole    1946
Magazine Murder    1946
Movie Murder    1946
Murder Maestro    1946
Stairway Slaying    1946
Surgery Slaying    1946