My Life

Copyright ©1995 Stephan Beckner - All Rights Reserved

If I could change my life back a few days,
I’d surely do some things in different ways.
First of all I wouldn’t have grown up so fast,
I would’ve stayed young and made it last.

I would’ve made better grades when I was in school,
And I wouldn’t have been so much of a fool.
I would have accepted my life without love,
As a present from God from heaven above.

I wouldn’t have fallen for any girl at all,
And I wouldn’t have let it be my downfall.
I would have tried to be a good brother,
And do my part to look after the others.

I would have tried to be a better friend
To anyone that needed a helping hand.
I would take the world by surprise,
And solve all the problems that are on the rise.

It would be a life worth living,
For I would have something to be giving.
If I could live my life all over again,
It would be a life that could really win.