I Wasn’t Ready

Copyright ©2023 John Wm Beckner - All Rights Reserved

At 2:44 with a start I awoke,
Remembering the last words you spoke.
“We make a great team, my friend.”
You were feeling better and on the mend.

Exactly a year ago everything changed,
As many lives were suddenly disarranged.
Why did you stop taking your pills?
Maybe life held no more thrills.

You knew something and didn’t share,
I came over, you were in a chair.
One glance and I knew you were gone,
In the darkness, before the dawn.

Ready you were at that time to leave,
Did you know how much we’d truly grieve?
You were obviously ready to go,
To me it was an emotional blow.

I wasn’t ready to say goodbye,
Your departure I’d strongly decry.
I know now it was time for your assent,
I miss you, but I’m content.

Petite Oasis, I think you’d agree,
Has your spirit in all I see.
Your legacy continues to this very day,
Your family continues your way.


Written 6/2/2023 on the one year anniversary of the death of my friend Lee Brown.