Classic Radio Shows - Blackstone The Magic Detective

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
Aztec Fire God    1949
Coins of Cleopatra    1949
Coins of Confucius    1949
Crime In The Stars    1949
Curse of The Yogi    1949
Death Defying Death    1949
Deathless Shot    1949
Devils Cauldron    1949
Educated Dummy    1949
Emerald In The Fishbowl    1949
Face of Death    1949
Frozen Lady    1949
Ghost In The Crypt    1949
Ghost That Trapped Akiller    1949
Ghost That Wasnt    1949
Hand of Caloused Row    1949
Hindu Sword Cabinet    1949
Hooded Rider    1949
Icy Touch    1949
Knife From The Dark    1949
Ladder of Wealth    1949
Locked Book    1949
Maharajas Gold    1949
Message From Nowhere    1949
Midway Robberies    1949
Missing Palmist    1949
Murder On Stage    1949
Organ Murder    1949
Phantom Intermezzo    1949
Reluctant Buzzsaw    1949
Riddle of The Other Eight Ball    1949
Riddle of The Red Rose    1949
Riddle of The Talking Skull    1949
Shark Island Story    1949
Underwater Death    1949
Vanishing Pearls    1949
Voice From The Void    1949
Whispering Bhudah    1949