Classic Radio Shows - Archie Andrews

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
Drugstore Mixup.Mp3    1946-07-27
Plumbing Woes.Mp3    1946-10-19
Imitating Jolson at Red Cross Benefit.Mp3    1947-03-15
Mr Andrews Tries to Take a Bath.Mp3    1947-09-09
Christmas Shopping.Mp3    1947-12-13
Christmas Shopping    1947-12-13
Hiccups.Mp3    1948-05-15
Archie Has a Cold.Mp3    1948-06-12
Archie Gets Dressed for a Date.Mp3    1948-07-10
Mr Andrews Wallpapers a Room.Mp3    1948-07-17
Suffering From The Heat.Mp3    1948-08-07
The Picnic.Mp3    1948-08-21
The Big Dance.Mp3    1948-09-04
Fixing Flat Tire.Mp3    1948-09-11
Archie's In Love.Mp3    1948-09-18
The Halloween Party.Mp3    1948-10-30
Locked Out of The House.Mp3    1948-11-06
Going to Bed Early.Mp3    1948-11-13
Guests Are Coming for Dinner.Mp3    1948-11-20
Archie Gets a Drugstore Job.Mp3    1948-12-04
The New Tv Set.Mp3    1949-05-21
Sunburned.Mp3    1949-07-13
Halloween Party.Mp3    1949-10-29
Christmas Shopping at Stacy's Department Store.Mp3    1949-12-17
Football Tickets.Mp3    1950
Fred Tries to Enjoy a Ballgame.Mp3    1951-05-20
Babysitting to Earn Money for a Tuxedo.Mp3    1951-05-27
The Economy Program.Mp3    1951-06-03