Classic Radio Shows - Truth or Consequences

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
Imitating Airplane Sounds    1945-06-23
Guest The Glee Club    1947-10-18
Crackers In The Mouth    1947-10-25
The Hot Seat    1947-11-01
Squirtless Seltzer Bottle    1947-11-08
Instructions for Milking a Cow    1947-11-16
Suspended Over a Water Tank    1947-11-22
Sing Rockabye Baby    1947-11-29
Christmas Seals    1947-12-20
Guest William Bendix Walking Man Contest Begins    1948-01-17
Walking Man Revealed    1948-03-06
Guest Boris Karloff    1948-10-30
Guest Spike Jones    1948-12-11
Sit In a Crows Nest and Find Husband In Audience    1949-10-08
The Laughing Boy is Correctly Guessed    1949-10-22
Man Sealed In Room for One Week    1952-07-29