Classic Radio Shows - Bright Star

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Number of days:
Show Air Date
(01) The Oil Swindle    1952
(02) Susan Runs for Mayor    1952
(03) Hillsdale Becomes Mumdad    1952
(04) Miss America Visits    1952
(05) George The Informer    1952
(06) The Crooked Carnival    1952
(10) The Boxer    1952
(11) Dramatic Lessons    1952
(12) French Dress Designer    1952
(17) George Covers Hillsdale Fire    1952
(18) George Coaches Hillsdale High    1952
(19) The Haunted House    1952
(20) Rodeo Star    1952
(21) Scientific Living    1952
(22) New Homemaker Page Editor    1952
(23) George's Old Flame    1952
(24) Aunt Sophia Plays Matchmaker    1952
(25) The Talking Parrot    1952
(26) Patience's Romance    1952
(27) Sammy and Shirley    1952
(28) Fight for Beaver Park    1952
(29) Susan's Cousin Emily    1952
(30) Susan's Poetry    1952
(31) a Flower for Susan    1952
(32) Box Supper    1952
(33) The Chorus Girl    1952
(34) The Society Burglar    1952
(35) One Word Cablegram    1952
(36) Missing Childhood Sweetheart    1952
(51) George's Old Girlfriend    1952
(52) Susan's Cousin, Emily (Last Show)    1952