Classic Radio Shows - Vic & Sade

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Decoration Day Parade    1937-05-28
Sade's Trip to Dwight.Mp3    1937-06-04
Congress and The Supreme Court.Mp3    1937-11-28
Official Host.Mp3    1938-03-03
Vic's New Hat.Mp3    1938-11-30
Letter to Walter.Mp3    1939
Mr Gumpox Offers Sade a Stall.Mp3    1939
Rush I Hereby Resign From.Mp3    1939
Sade Volunteers Rush for Pageant.Mp3    1939
Speaking Acquaintances.Mp3    1939
Vic's Geograhical Trip.Mp3    1939
Vic's Xmas Card List.Mp3    1939
Lodge Regalia Out On Loan.Mp3    1939-01-02
Flower Garden Arranger.Mp3    1939-01-16
Mr Erickson's House Repairs.Mp3    1939-03-08
Rotten Davis Phones    1939-04-25
Sade's New Luggage.Mp3    1939-04-26
Overnight Guests.Mp3    1939-05-11
Grandpa Synder Xmas Cards    1939-06-01
Yy Flirch Tries to Phone Vic.Mp3    1939-06-05
Porch Collapes    1939-06-13
Two Tons of Coal    1939-07-05
Rush Mad Preselected School Clothes.Mp3    1939-08-30
Office Invoices Magnifying Glass.Mp3    1939-09-06
Sade Provides Names of Wildflowers.Mp3    1939-09-22
Double Feature In Hopewood.Mp3    1939-10-06
Five Xmas Card Salesmen.Mp3    1939-10-30
Blue Tooth Under Davenport.Mp3    1939-10-31
Charlie's Fish Picture.Mp3    1939-11-06
Smelly Makes a Speech.Mp3    1939-11-07
Rush House Destroyer.Mp3    1939-11-14
Smelly Clark Solicits Gifts.Mp3    1939-11-21
Rush is Getting On In Years.Mp3    1939-12-01
Appelrot Shoves Sade Around.Mp3    1940
Hank's $200 Wardrobe.Mp3    1940
Letter to Walter    1940
Milton's Dirt In Fruit Jars.Mp3    1940
Mr Donahue Gets Promotion.Mp3    1940
Shake Hands With R J Konk.Mp3    1940
Teaching Cigar Smoking to Chinbunny.Mp3    1940
Too Many Faces In The Windows.Mp3    1940
No Painted Portrait of Big Dipper.Mp3    1940-01-02
Boys Copy Numbers Sade Tells Gossip.Mp3    1940-01-09
Vegetable Garden.Mp3    1940-01-12
Gumpox Vs Donahue.Mp3    1940-01-19
R J Konk's Improved Portrait.Mp3    1940-01-22
Y Y Flirch Best Looking Man.Mp3    1940-01-24
Rush's Good Looks (Partial Recording).Mp3    1940-02-20
High School Gossip.Mp3    1940-02-27
Bess Letter Grocery List On Top.Mp3    1940-03-19
Smelly Clark's Big Date.Mp3    1940-03-25
Vic Fakes The Coronet.Mp3    1940-03-27
No, Vic, No Trip to Chicago.Mp3    1940-03-29
Rush Must Make a Call On a Girl.Mp3    1940-04-04
Can Blue Tooth Sue The Bijou.Mp3    1940-04-08
Nicer to Sleep Over for 2 Weeks.Mp3    1940-04-10
Vic's Heart Shaped Face.Mp3    1940-04-17
Engine Cab Ride to Chicago.Mp3    1940-05-03
Working Out Hank's Indebtedness.Mp3    1940-05-06
Vic's Picture Totally Mislabelled.Mp3    1940-05-15
Miss Scott Getting Too Chummy.Mp3    1940-05-27
Nicer The Goader.Mp3    1940-05-29
Short Bio of Little Dipper.Mp3    1940-06-13
Freedom Last Day of School.Mp3    1940-06-14
Mr Sludge to Sleep Overnight at Gooks.Mp3    1940-06-17
June Xmas Card Pressure.Mp3    1940-06-18
Vic's Wide Brimmed Hat.Mp3    1940-06-19
Hank's Job Royal Throne Barbershop.Mp3    1940-06-21
Mr Gumpox Blows Kisses.Mp3    1940-06-24
Ruthie Has Secrets.Mp3    1940-07-01
Mr Sludge Calls His Mother.Mp3    1940-07-04
Mr Donohue Asks for Demotion.Mp3    1940-07-22
Sade Shows Razorscum Album.Mp3    1940-07-23
Bacon Sandwiches.Mp3    1940-08-14
Mr Sludge Grows a Moustache.Mp3    1940-09-01
Hot Soup.Mp3    1940-10-23
Man Caught In Revolving Door.Mp3    1940-11-19
H K Fleeber's 48 Teeth.Mp3    1940-12-01
A Bijou Lifetime Pass.Mp3    1940-12-17
Bess' Letter From 1937.Mp3    1940-12-23
Howard Has a New Harness.Mp3    1940-12-31
14 Days In Grovelman,Sc.Mp3    1941
Chit Chat South American Wallpaper.Mp3    1941
Landlord's Sneaky Trick.Mp3    1941
Mr Chinbunny Eats Ice Cream.Mp3    1941
Demise of Bernice.Mp3    1941-01-21
Vic Now On Marching Team.Mp3    1941-01-23
Mr Roebush Has to Wait.Mp3    1941-01-24
Beautiful, Beautiful Wallpaper.Mp3    1941-01-25
New Wallpaper There's a Catch.Mp3    1941-02-03
Landlady's Photos Again.Mp3    1941-02-07
Fred Considering Joining Lodge.Mp3    1941-02-11
Wives' Rule Book.Mp3    1941-02-16
Uncle Fletcher to Meet 1 Am Train.Mp3    1941-02-24
No Marching for Me.Mp3    1941-02-25
Company Coming 13 People.Mp3    1941-03-01
Marching Team Pictures.Mp3    1941-03-14
After Dinner Talk.Mp3    1941-03-18
Muddled Shopping Money.Mp3    1941-03-25
Hank's Weather Service.Mp3    1941-03-27
Rush Wants His Interest.Mp3    1941-03-31
40 Lbs of Golf Clubs.Mp3    1941-04-01
Shopping Trip $5 Bank.Mp3    1941-04-01
Vic Wins Broad Brimmed Hat.Mp3    1941-04-01
Dinner Invitation Withdrawn.Mp3    1941-04-04
Sleep Tight, Mr Donahue.Mp3    1941-04-23
Rush, Belletin Board Monitor.Mp3    1941-05-01
Vic's Picture On Quarterly Cover.Mp3    1941-05-02
Exaulted Big Dipper Day.Mp3    1941-05-12
Uncle Fletcher Wants Mementos Stored.Mp3    1941-05-13
Uncle Fletcher's Door Stop Plan.Mp3    1941-05-16
Uncle Fletcher's Keys.Mp3    1941-05-21
Five Men From Maine.Mp3    1941-05-30
Uncle Fletcher Calls Long Distance.Mp3    1941-06-01
Hammock.Mp3    1941-06-03
Grand Old Lodge Lady.Mp3    1941-06-04
Letter Writing Plot.Mp3    1941-06-09
Who's Who In Kitchenware.Mp3    1941-06-30
Fred's Concrete Partition.Mp3    1941-07-01
Easy Chair.Mp3    1941-07-01
Uncle Fletcher The Protector.Mp3    1941-08-26
Vic Gets Gift Wrap Again.Mp3    1941-09-09
Don't Help Dust Uncle Fletcher.Mp3    1941-09-17
Bright Kentucky Hotel Speaker.Mp3    1941-09-29
Sade's Surprise Xmas Gift.Mp3    1941-10-08
It's Algebra, Uncle Fletcher.Mp3    1941-10-09
Fred and The Fifth Tire.Mp3    1941-10-10
Vic Declines Coronet Lessons.Mp3    1941-10-14
Broken Alarm Clocks.Mp3    1941-10-31
Crowded Car Ride.Mp3    1941-11-01
No Hookey for Vic & Rush.Mp3    1941-11-01
Send The Slippers Back.Mp3    1941-11-04
Vic's Xmas Gift List Too Long.Mp3    1941-11-05
Rush Humiliated On Thanksgiving.Mp3    1941-11-20
Left & Right Handed Stacey Yopp.Mp3    1941-12-01
Strictly Business Xmas Loan.Mp3    1941-12-01
Vic's Trip to Plant No 17.Mp3    1941-12-01
The Bottom Buffet Drawer.Mp3    1941-12-08
34 Christmas Gifts for $20.Mp3    1941-12-12
North Dakota River Bottom Revel.Mp3    1941-12-25
Landlady's Washrag Collection.Mp3    1942
Lodge Speech Rehearsal.Mp3    1942
Mr Chinbunny Eats Ice Cream    1942
Phone Call From The Hinks.Mp3    1942
The Thunderstorm.Mp3    1942
Thimble Club Ladies Plan Visits.Mp3    1942
Trip to Carberry.Mp3    1942
Uncle Fletcher's Trip to Dixon.Mp3    1942
Vic Ready to Leave Inspection Trip.Mp3    1942
Washrag Collection.Mp3    1942
Budgeting.Mp3    1942-02-11
Prize Clock.Mp3    1942-02-13
Hank Gutstop, Hostess.Mp3    1942-02-17
Edith Suggin's Visit.Mp3    1942-02-18
Uncle Fletcher Comes to Visit.Mp3    1942-02-19
Rawhide Shoestrings.Mp3    1942-02-24
Donahue's Door Bell.Mp3    1942-02-25
Putting Up The Porch Swing.Mp3    1942-02-26
Miss Appelrot's Petition.Mp3    1942-03-01
Accounting for Spondulicks.Mp3    1942-03-03
Room Warming.Mp3    1942-03-04
Tornado Gook.Mp3    1942-03-06
Uncle Fletcher's Unopened Letter.Mp3    1942-03-09
Tiny Petite Pheasant Feather Tea Shoppe.Mp3    1942-03-12
Scrap Drive.Mp3    1942-04-06
Gravy Boat    1942-04-20
20 Hank Gustav Gave Vic    unknown
Deep Currents of School Life    unknown
Golden Treasuries of V S    unknown
Icebergs    unknown
Rush Draws List of Acquaintences    unknown
Sade Out In The Yard    unknown