Classic Radio Shows - Strange Dr. Weird

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
01 The House Where Death Lives    1944-11-07
02 Summoning of Chandor    1944-11-14
03 Journey Into The Unknown    1944-11-21
04 Murder Comes Home    1944-11-28
05 Death In The Everglades    1944-12-05
06 The Man Who Talked With Death    1944-12-12
07 The White Pearls of Death    1944-12-19
08 Stand In for Death    1944-12-26
09 The Tiger Cat    1945-01-02
10 The Murder Ship    1945-01-09
11 Beauty and The Beast    1945-01-16
12 Survival of The Fittest    1945-01-23
13 The Man Who Lived Twice    1945-01-30
14 The Dark Wings of Death    1945-02-06
15 The Secret Room    1945-02-13
16 Knife of Death    1945-02-20
17 Murder Will Out    1945-02-27
18 The Voice of Death    1945-03-06
19 The Two Faces of Death    1945-03-13
20 The Man Who Knew Everything    1945-03-20
21 He Woke Up Dead    1945-03-27
22 The Devil's Cavern    1945-04-03
23 When Killers Meet    1945-04-10
24 Dead Man's Paradise    1945-04-17
25 The Ghost Ship    1945-04-24
26 The Man Who Played Dead    1945-05-01
27 Picture of a Killer    1945-05-08
28 Revenge From The Grave    1945-05-15
29 Murder One Million Bc    1945-05-22