Classic Radio Shows - Radio City Playhouse

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Number of days:
Show Air Date
Betrayal    1949
Blackout    1949
Correction    1949
Dark Hour    1949
Deadline    1949
Elementals    1949
Fanny    1949
First and Last    1949
Five Extra Nooses    1949
Ground Floor Window    1949
King of The Moon    1949
Long Distance    1949
Luck    1949
Machine    1949
Mother    1949
No Shoes    1949
Of Unsound Mind    1949
Soundless    1949
Special Delivery    1949
Strange Identity    1949
Temporarily Purple    1949
Tension In643    1949
The Plotters    1949
The Promise    1949
The Wisdom of Eve    1949
Three Men    1949
Wardrobe Trunk    1949
Whistle Daughter Whistle    1949