Classic Radio Shows - Bold Venture

Note: Shown in Air Date order.

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Show Air Date
Black Tie Affair    1951
Blue Moon    1951
Carlos Juan Story    1951
Death By Afighting Bird    1951
Death of Rudy Keijon    1951
Havens Venezuelan Isle 1951    1951
Isle of Pines    1951
Joe Ral    1951
Murder is No Joke    1951
Paul Brewer Story    1951
Ruthie Ryans Father    1951
Slates Stolen Identity    1951
Spanish Gold_    1951
Tappard of Pizzaro    1951
Tears of Shiva    1951
The 12 Year Promise    1951
The Dead Matt Jeffrey    1951
The Quam Yi Statue    1951
Voodoo    1951
Welcome Back to Civilization Dead Man    1951